Monday, March 13, 2006

Religions and Philosophies of Wisteria

In addition the core pantheon of Greyhawk Gods presented in the Player’s Handbook, the following is a partial list of the main philosophical faiths of Wisteria. This is a very incomplete list, and represents the purest form of that particular ideology. In most cases, any given individual has a faith based on tapestries of many core philosophies. Still, each faith does exist in pure form on Wisteria, and the cleric and his flock represent the unfettered extreme of a particular belief system.

The churches and philosophies are vast in influence and power, affecting politics, commerce, and war. Though the methods and manifestations of these faiths take on many different forms, the flocks are numerous and devoted.

All told, there are over 150 difference faiths and philosophies. Ten of the largest faiths are listed below:

Council of Artistry
Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Luck, Protection

This philosophy is concerned with the sanctity of objects and cultures of sentient races. Worshippers and followers spend their time concerned with various forms of knowledge, but seem to gravitate toward art, literature, and depictions of heroism/villainy. To understand the nature of their reality, one must examine and explore the creativity of the self and others. Truth lay in the gulf between the real and the created.

This faith is a favorite among bards, but sages and wizards also gravitate to the more academic aspects of the faith.

The Black Shadow
Domains: Law, Evil, Trickery, Death

This faith was started by a Thieves Guild within the great City of Cinnmore, and took root throughout the world. It is concerned with personal gain through theft, guile, and persuasion, as long as the social order is not upset through one’s actions. According to the philosophy, it is actually easier for the enlightened, evil individual to thrive in a good society as opposed to an evil one. The philosophy does not tolerate wanton violence or thuggery, and finds beauty in finesse and skillful manipulation. Ironically, most members usually end up producing more good than harm in their quest to benefit themselves.

Some splinter sects will not even tolerate lying, cheating, or breaking the law under any circumstances, but those are somewhat rare. Rogues, assassins, and many aristocrats find this faith very appealing.

Order of the Adamantine
Domains: Law, Strength, Healing, Knowledge

This Order believes that truth is found in the sensory world around them. The core identity is the sum result of one’s physical actions and reactions to the environment, making the perfection of the body an important facet to faith. In addition, true enlightenment requires a steadfast devotion to the obvious truths and principles of the universe. Life is a series of daily habits and routines, keeping every aspect of the self in a state of perfection and control. Members of the Order rarely feel fear, doubt, or weakness, and scorn those who do.

This faith is a favorite among monks and some fighters.

The Elementalists
Domains: Air, Earth, Water, Fire

Understanding the universe requires becoming part of that universe. The Elementalists believe that the self is nothing more than a cell in a larger organism, and understanding the “physics and chemistry” of the universe is required to transcend the awkward self, and ultimately find enlightenment within the greater physical whole. Once a part of that whole, anyone can use the mind to manipulate the universe according to one’s desire. Members are generally very attractive and muscular, believing that proper use and maintenance of the body is essential to truth, and each of the 4 elements have a subsect within the larger religion, representing the proper path and disposition toward transcendence.

Sorcerers and some druids enjoy this set of ideas.

Protectors of the Citadel
Domains: Good, Law, War, Protection

These men and women believe in the white sanctity of the soul, and many of the religious rites performed deal with cleansing and purifying the body and mind. Members are proponents of sanitation and good eating habits. They maintain that there are absolutes of good and evil, and it is much better to be good. Cleansing the spirit/soul/force is a process that requires individual attention, and the name “Citadel” refers to the individual’s soul. Each member must choose their own journey of purification/protection, based on their own set of rules. For most, this involves compete chastity, poverty, and diligence to hierarchy, but there are many tolerated exceptions.

This faith is a favorite among Paladins and Good clerics.

The Keepers
Domains: Magic, Healing, Protection, Sun

These priests are altruistic in the extreme, believing that their existence depends on helping others. The universe is constantly in flux, and when a kindness or a wrong is delivered to another, it will eventually be revisited upon the self. Power, according to the religion, is in giving of the self to others, to receive goodness and kindness in return. They are generally pacifistic and kind in nature, though some can be quite evil. There is a rare subset of this faith that is intensely masochistic in nature, and desires power of any kind, so that it may siphon off guilt and alms.

The tolerance of weakness and the solitude of this religion are preferable to Wizards and other hermits.

Domains: Animals, Plants, Sun, Death

The Timeseekers believe that their identity and point of view is not their own. They believe that both their ancestors and their future offspring are all part of the same (but ever evolving) soul. Most of this faith have a great reverence of ancestry, believing that those who came before are still in existence, teaching and instructing those who came after them. The ultimate goal of a Timeseeker is to rear the next generation, preparing the way for an Earthy Nirvana.

This is a favorite among the Shogun templates, as well as practiced by close-knit families and barbarian/tribal social structures.

The Formless

Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Magic, Death

This chaotic faith has no central membership. Most of the formless come to this faith on their own lost in the madness of their own self-reflection. They believe that their identity is based on the form of the body (two arms, two legs, etc.), and to understand the universe, one must have knowledge of all forms. Most Formless try their best to empathize with everything, and many have met their deaths trying to commune with Beholders, Mind Flayers, and other aberrations too gruesome to record. The more bizarre the form, the more the Formless is compelled to understand it.

This faith is a favorite among beings with extra-planar ancestry, and anyone who is a little insane.

Bringers of Decay
Domains: Chaos, War, Destruction, Evil

These men and women believe that entropy is the ultimate expression of truth. Any attempt to control or understand the universe is met with opposition, as it is only there to control others. Ironically, the ranks of the Bringers are immersed in social hierarchy, based on the strong bullying the weak. Fear and distrust are the prime sowers of this faith, and they work tirelessly to bring down the works of intelligent creatures. Ignorance and displays of physical strength are well regarding points of entry to this faith.

Barbarians and humanoid creatures are obvious choices for this manifestation.

Consumers of Truth
Domains: Travel, Strength, Protection, Luck

Each member of the faith is their own god. Everyone else and everything in the universe exists to serve the needs of that single individual. Understanding the motivations of the self is the prime concern of this faith. Its members have no official hierarchy, and value systems are based on the mouth; i.e. what an individual eats and how that food is obtained. All politics and social forms are designed to allow for the most efficient transport of that desire. Most of these faiths are overweight and indulgent, but all are skilled in the art of trade and manufacture/agriculture.

It is a favorite among Merchants and Royalty, but it is generally celebrated privately to avoid obvious entanglements.


Sages of Cosmology and Philosophy disagree on the nature of the universe and the proper behavior of an intelligent beings existing within in. However, the vast majority does agree that the nature of the universe must somehow encompass duality.

Duality is a concept of reality based on the conflict of opposing forces. Each set of dualities requires a dual set of opposing concepts. All knowledge (it is theorized) is an immersion of tens of thousands of dual concepts, all working together to create a tapestry of reality. In and Out, Up and Down, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, Black and White, are all examples of the tapestry of duality that makes up our reality.

Here are a few of the myriad examples of duality in faith:

Council of Artistry vs. The Timeseekers – The application of history as a tangible and valued entity that enriches identity, OR one that is personal and insubstantial, based on lineage and learned/inherited behavior.

Elementlists vs. Consumers of Truth – The coexistence between the self and the other that enriches both as they become interrelated, OR an idea where everything in the universe is subject to the power and desires of the self where enrichment requires consumption and use.

Protectors of the Citadel vs. The Bringers of Destruction – A faith that desires the building and protection of things through forms of control, OR one that requires the speeding of natural decay to provide personal freedom.

Order of the Adamantine vs. The Formless – There is a security of truth in the application of the senses, which allows for absolute concepts, OR a rejection of everything based on the subjectivity of the sensory form.

The Black Shadow vs. The Keepers – Political and Kinship ties exist only to further the goals and material needs of the individual, OR Interactions are an extension of coexistence that is valued as being mutually beneficial.


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