Thursday, January 19, 2006

Part One, Section One
“Grains of Salt”

Adventure Timeline
“I can tell you how to win. Swords and spells and mumbling faiths only strengthen the resolve of those you oppose. It is the slow, banality of progress that finally fells the mightiest of Heroes.” - Balthazar of Cinnmore

March 21-22, 312 B.R* (Year of the Albatross): The Town of Miresburg

Winter ends early in the mountain passes of southern Postenor, restoring yearly trade routes and insuring a good beginning to a prosperous new season.

The heroes begin their individual journeys to Miresburg, a small salt mining community nestled in the fertile valley plains of the Tironus Province. Motivated by their own demons and desires, each member goes about seeking their own fortune within the town.

It is revealed through several sources that the town of Miresburg is in dire straights. The demand for salt has been cut due to recent economic sanctions posed by the central City-State of Cinnmore. Furthermore, the few legal shipments that find their way through the northern passes are often harried by bandits seeking to sell to the stolen goods through international black market trade. It is rumored that the reclusive Salt Wizard is looking for heroes to flush out the bandits and restore safety to northern trade routes.

It is revealed that Magistrate Montgomery Tulles, appointed by Cinnmore, has initiated several changes in policy over the last two years. Recently, instead of requesting soldiers to quell a local insurrection, he has recruited goblin strongbacks from the mountains. Emboldened, other goblins settlements have begun to stir in the mountains.

It is revealed that the insurrectionists are sheep herders, who are furious over the sale of the Nesbit Thorpe and its surrounding lands to cattle rancher Ira Mostalvis, also called The Blackknave. Without grazing, the sheepherders are impoverished, and have been harrying The Blackknave and his ranch hands in hopes that they will find the venture unprofitable.

It is revealed that The Blackknave is unable to use the natural salt springs in the valley. Protected by a creature known only as the Ravenous Lady, the cattle baron has lost both property and men in attempts to use the alt licks, and has offered to pay handsomely to any who can kill her.

It is revealed that the Garrison is under obligation to protect the tomb of a local hero of the Demon Wars, Malchor Stormblade. He was one of only six who received the highest honor Cinnmore can give, and was recently interred at great expense in the hill under the Garrison’s foundation. Unfortunately for Captain Legare’s command, the tenants of high honor require no fewer that seven troops to serve as tomb guardians. Honor bound to obey, but missing the men for border patrol, Legare has made several requests to the Magistrate for more soldiers to fill the ranks. So far, he has heard no positive reports.

It is revealed that the nearly Thorpe of Willowind has been abandoned ten years ago. Featuring a lush freshwater lake, Willowind was formerly the site of a thriving fishing industry. A plague decimated the townsfolk, invoking a quarantine that exists to this day. Several fishmongers in town lost their businesses. A month ago, four priests of Pelor have attempted to visit the site recently, hearing rumors of dark shadows creeping through the mountain passes. Only one came back, Curate Alexa Ismere, wide-eyed and cackling with insanity. Now the backwater temple of Pelor is cared for by a single, overworked acolyte named Ibis Muern. It is believed that the proper burial and interment of the remaining 3 priests may help to restore the ailing Curate.

Coming together at last under the roof of The Lucky Dog, the five adventurers meet, and discuss the merits to solving one or more of the town’s recent woes. It was determined that they would begin by procuring supplies and borrowing horses from Captain Legare, and then accompany the next salt shipment north, hoping to find signs of the bandits who have been harrying them.

They successfully drive off the bandits, and kill their leader without taking any casualties. They learn that the bandits did not expect to meet any armed resistance, and claim that they were hired by a silk wearing dandy in Miresburg. They did not know his name.

Taking the sole bandit survivor prisoner, they return to the Halite Tower in Miresburg, in the hopes of receiving a proper reward from the mysterious Salt Wizard.

To Be Continued…

Salient Characters
“What is more important than adherence to principles of good or evil? Making your stand.” – Archimedi Mundi of Arcadium

Magistrate Montgomery Tulles
As Miresburg is run by a council of landowners and merchants, Cinnmore appointed an executive magistrate to oversee operations, keep order, and enforce laws through a local garrison. His decision making process has been recently called into question by the garrison’s commander, Captain Legare.

Captain Legare
A rugged ex-commander and veteran of two wars, Legare serves the Miresburg Garrison faithfully. He is in constant pain from a broken back and hamstringed leg, which he keeps in a heavy wooden brace. His face is scarred and he is missing two fingers on his left hand. He is currently petitioning Cinnmore over the Magistrate’s head to achieve more soldiers.

Ira Mostalvis “The Blackknave”
He is a wealthy landowner and cattle rancher who has recently purchased the Thorpe of Nesbitt and its surrounding lands for its rich salt licks. Bearing a thin mustache and dressed in black riding chaps and thin gloves, the Blackknave is rarely seen without a twist of tobacco between his teeth.

The Salt Wizard
This mysterious figure rarely leaves the confines of his Halite Tower, overlooking the town proper. He currently owns and operated the thriving salt trade with the northern kingdoms, and has written opposition to the stifling trade embargos on Kingdoms outside of Postenor.

A small, bushy-headed halfling with massive lamb chops and an infestation of fleas, he runs the Lucky Dog, the town’s only surviving in. He serves flavored beer and several varieties of salted mutton or beef, and has some local knowledge to share. He also claims to be a great seafood chef, but has little opportunity to prove his worth. He doesn’t care who stays at his Inn, as long as they have coin to pay.

Curate Alexa Ismere
This poor woman was once a powerful cleric of Pelor. A few years after the quarantine and disease that destroyed the Thorpe of Willowind, there were rumors of dark things stalking the mountain passes. She was the only survivor of four priests who went to investigate. Returning with her mind broken, she hides from Pelor’s glare, caking herself in mud and whispering of a time of coming shadows.

Acolyte Ibis Muern
After the Pelor temple burned down, Ibis moved herself and Alexa to a cheap shop on Miresburg’s main street. She cares for Alexa, and runs the nearly defunct temple, selling goods and services from the temple’s wares to keep them afloat. She also believes that a proper consecrated burial of Alexa’s old friends may help stave off her madness.

* Editor’s note: In the Broken Age, each Kingdom kept its own timekeeping system prior to the unification of the Six Kingdoms and the adoption of the universal calendar in the year 0. For simplicity, the designation B.R. is used for “Before Regency,” while A.R. stands for “After Regency.”- Tironus, ed. 45 A.R.


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